Lets say that you saw some nice business card today, googled a little bit, and found a lot of interesting designs on the web.. You are inspired, and want to design your own business card by yourself..
Ok, that is fantastic! You should at least try that.
There is a lot of good software available and free on the internet, and you can decide if you want to make a professional design, or just a quick business card with your name, and other information.
For a professional business card, you will need more time, first to find, download, install software, than to learn how to use some complex tools, but the results will be impressive! Everything that comes up in your mind you can lay down on your business card paper!
In case that you just want to have your business card, and do not have too much time to spent on your design, there are several programs for you that will give you just what you need. Choose your business card software, simply download it, install in few seconds.. After you installed your software, you just need to fill in your information which you want to take place at the business card, and choose template, and your business card is ready to print.. The whole process (downloading, installing, design, print) will not last more than 10 minutes..
I hope i didnt take too much of your precious time!
Here is the site where you can get reviews for all business card software, and links to download software that you like: www.business-card-software.info